Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Roasted Cauliflower

Today we bought one head of cauliflower for $1.80 at Trader Joe's with our discount (the same goes for $1.00 at some ethnic markets though).

Once home, I divided the entirety into small florets. Drizzled it with 1/4 C olive oil. Then sprinkled it with a lot of salt and freshly-ground black pepper. Oh, and a lot of chopped garlic.

Then I roasted it in the oven at 500° F  for about a quarter of an hour, agitating the contents every five minutes.

I was afraid the garlic would go all bitter and burnt by the time the florets had thoroughly roasted, but luckily - because they were pretty big chunks, of course - the outsides were singed crispy, and the insides caramelized a bit.

Michael added a bit of melted butter and put it in again at 200° F for ten more minutes, because it wasn't all quite cooked to the center of the florets.

Anyway, the results were fucking delicious.

We enjoyed it immensely with a glass of red table wine. (Although not "paleolithic"... fermented fruit is too sugary... this was still necessary for maximum deliciousness.)

And a clementine; so easy to peel, it's like it wants to be eaten.

Later Michael fried up a nice, over-medium pair of eggs. These went on top, and the florets were handily used to mop up the yolk.

It was good situation.